Topic: Trauma Development and Spirituality

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Topic: Trauma Development and Spirituality

Order Description

write an essay of at least 600 words, drawing information from this course, outside readings, and presentations for that module/week. The essay must be strongly supported with proper citations of 2–3 current, scholarly sources in current APA format; include a reference page at the end. These sources must be less than 10 years old. DO NOT write opinions, but support your answers to the questions with your readings.
Explain in detail (using course readings/presentations from this module/week) how trauma can affect development, more specifically neural development. Discuss how spiritual development can counter the effects of trauma. What are the determining factors that lead to developmental delays when a child is exposed to trauma? Give details on the prevalence of different types of trauma and if they differ among different cultures. Are differing viewpoints considered, analyzed, and treated?