Topic: The-Peace keepers-Karen-Feiertag: Reaction

Topic: Over-education in the graduate labour market
May 7, 2020
Linear Modeling
May 8, 2020

Topic: The-Peace keepers-Karen-Feiertag: Reaction

Topic: The-Peacekeepers-Karen-Feiertag: Reaction

Order Description

€¢    Watch the first part (1hr) of the documentary The Peacekeepers: Le Prix De La Paix

€¢    Take notes while watching the film


You are to pick 1 bullet point from 2 of the categories in your notes.  Then write 1 paragraph about each bullet point.  You should have 2 separate paragraphs

explaining each of your bullet points in regards to what was your reaction/thought was about the first part of the documentary.