Topic: the migration crisis became the top news around the world,

: Effective leader behaviour, Leading change & Innovation, participative leadership & Empowerment
August 27, 2020
: Building Cultural Bridges Inside American Business
August 27, 2020

Topic: the migration crisis became the top news around the world,

Order Description
When the migration crisis became the top news around the world, much of Europe opened its arms and welcomed migrants and refugees. Then as the situation rapidly became overwhelming, threatening and hostile, the borders began to close and European nations became more cautious about who should enter and who should leave. Humanitarian agencies and others have condemned this attitude.

This debate is mandatory.

You are to look at the issue from both sides. On the day of the debate you will be randomly selected to present a point of view advocating for Heads of Europe to decide migration/refugee admission and rejection policies or a point of view rejecting the concept that the Heads of State should not have that power and that the borders should be open for anyone in need. That is why you need to study both sides of the issue.