Topic: The effectiveness of both cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) for depression in children and adolescents.

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Topic: The effectiveness of both cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) for depression in children and adolescents.

Order DescriptionDiscuss the effectiveness of both cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) for depression in children and adolescents. Critically review the evidence and consider the implications for the child and adolescent mental health services population.In the beginning, please briefly talk about depression disorder and how this disorder is effect the child and adolescent population.Then, briefly talk about what is CBT and how to use CBT to treat depressed children and adolescents. Then, please talk about the effectiveness (what is working or what is not working and why? Also can be understand as the advantages and disadvantages) of using CBT in depressive children and adolescents. Please write this part in details. For example, if you are giving one advantage about using CBT in depressive children and adolescents population, please give specific evidences from journals about why this is an advantage; and please cite clear and carefully in the essay (every time when making a statement, and when its not a personal opinion, please cite it. There isnt a thing called over-citing).
Different journals may have different opinions on those advantages and disadvantages. For example, some advantages in article A may appear as disadvantages in article B. If there are such situations in the journals, please talk about them as a type of critique. Other critiques on articles, treatments and studies may also be covered in this essay.Similar things will happen in the IPT sections, briefly talk about what is IPT and how to use IPT to treat depressive children and adolescents. Then, the effectiveness (whats working and whats not? or advantages and disadvantages) about using IPT in child and adolescent depressive population. Great details and evidences should also be used here. Critiques about different opinions on adv. and disadv. may also be covered in this part of the essay, too.In the two treatments, there may be some aspects that CBT is doing poorly on, but appearing as a strong part in IPT, or vise versa. Please talk about those parts in the essay as well.While writing the paper, please keep in mind that using CBT and IPT to treat children and adolescents population may be different with using these interventions to treat adults due to limited cognitive development on children and adolescents population. Then, how should these intervention be adopted into young age population.Additional files will be uploaded, but may not cover all the aspects; so, please run additional research (please do not heavily dependent on Wikipedia, if doing additional research). In the additional files, some of the papers may also mention about pharmacotherapy, but this paper will only focus on psychosocial treatments for depression in children and adolescents.
Once again, please cite carefully and clearly. Thank you so much.
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