Topic: Shopping Tourism in Newcastle

Legislative & Professional Issues
May 26, 2020
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
May 26, 2020

Topic: Shopping Tourism in Newcastle

Structure for this research paper:

1.    Introduction (250-300 words): should have aims and objectives, structure of the project.  Background information on Prague.

2.    Literature Review (1200-1500 words): theories of urban tourism, motivation; theories of cultural/heritage/ etc. Tourism, Shopping tourism; theories of consumption; tourist typologies; tourist enclaves and bubbles;

3.    Proposed research methodology and analysis (250-300 words):

1.    Discussion of methods to be used and justification for choice; likely methods of analysis.  For my methodology I am using quantitative which is questionnaire. Please help me to set up questionnaire as well; it should be 20-30 questions and 30 people should be asked.

2.    Data Analysis: If you have collected quantitative data you need to decide on how to analyse your data set. You may decide either to complete description analysis e.g. frequencies and percentages or more complex statistical tests. The following table presents a list of suitable approaches to quantitative data analysis.

Descriptive    Statistical Testing

Frequency    ANOVA

Percentages     Cluster analysis

Mean values    T-Tests

Cross Tabulation    Chi Square

4.    Results: Presentation of and discussion of result/data (1500 words)

4.1 Presenting Your Results

3 Golden Rules (GR)

GR1. Present Results Thematically:  To Discuss your results thematically and use different question/types of data to explore this theme.

GR2. Description and Evaluation: Whilst you should describe any graph/ tables- or interview/ field note extracts, which you have presented you must also take time to discuss and evaluate your these findings.

GR3. Link Finding to Theory: Where possible try to relate your results to the ideas, cases and theories that you have discussed in the literature review. Identify 4 of your most important findings and try to think about how these relate to the differing ideas that you have discussed in the literature review and learnt in the module as a whole (GR3)

4.2 Discussion (critical analysis)

the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualising, applying, analyzing, synthesising and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generalized by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning or communication, as a guide to belief or action [or argument] (Scriven & Paul , 2001, p.1).

€¢    Critical does not mean to criticize it requires you to question the information and present your evaluation or judgment

€¢    To do this you will have to draw on related work and attempt to situate the information within a field of knowledge

Thus when  critically analyzing’ our data we should attempt to explore this result from a range of perspective and relate our findings to similar studies, ideas, cases and theories discussed in the literature reviews.

5.    Conclusion (300-350 words): what are the main findings of the report; answers to the research question that you set.

6.    Bibliography: An alphabetical list of all references used in the report.

7.    Appendix:  A copy of questionnaire should be paste on this area.