This week you’ll select a topic for your 8- to 10-page research project. The assignment is a prewriting activity that requires your detailed responses. Please use the Topic Selection template found in Doc Sharing for this assignment. The responses for almost every question should be written in two paragraphs. The completed assignment is due at the end of Week 1 and is worth 50 points
Below you will find a reading list that includes 62 references on the theme and topics you will discuss and research in this class in preparation for the Course Project. Although you are not required to read all 62 of the references, you should plan to dedicate sufficient time to retrieve and preview sources on topics that are of interest to you. The list of readings will help you narrow a topic for your Course Project.
These selections should be the first ones that you consult as you explore potential topics and begin your research process. Read and review the selections on topics that you are considering. Those that you do use will provide content that can be incorporated into your writing assignments as support or contrast for your thesis and your Final Project.
A final requirement of the Course Project is that all students must include at least one of the selected course readings below in their final research projects.
Once you are introduced to library search strategies, you will search for the remaining number of sources required for inclusion in-text and on the References page of the final assignment i choose nad
2. Technology and Social Isolation
Vroon, D. (2009, May/June). The distracted generation victims of technology. American Record Guide, 72(3).
Massimini, M., & Peterson, M. (2009). Information and communication technology: Affects [sic] on U.S. college students. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 3(1), 1–12. please refer to this references
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Posted on May 7, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions