Order Description
As you may already know, coursework B needs to be a “Research proposal” of 2500 words and carries 80% of the final mark for this unit. Given its importance and weightage carried forward to the final mark, it is important that you present an answer that meets all the required assessment criteria.
In order to establish better understanding on what is required, I have included the following guidelines for you to refer in order to present an answer that adheres to the overall requirement of coursework B.
Structure of coursework B
You have to introduce the topic and clarify the significance of what you are trying to present.
A brief introduction on the elements covered within the introductory chapter.
Research background to provide the basis for the research
Research problem/ rationale
Research aims
Research objectives
Research questions
Research significance
Please, provide references. Give academic information.
Literature review
This section will demonstrate your knowledge of the literature and make a critical link with the research question to be investigated.
Students are expected to critically review at least six sources to underpin the study. The literature should mostly rely on published academic journal articles in the research area.
At the end of the literature review, it is strongly encouraged to develop a ‘conceptual framework’ to present key variables or constructs derived through the literature review. The relevant relationships, mediators or moderators identified through the literature review needs to be graphically presented using this conceptual framework. Ensure all the variables/constructs used to present the conceptual framework are aptly supported with literature.
Similarly, it is important that the student sum up the discussion using a summary at the end as well.
Research Design and Methodology
This section should provide a detailed rationale of how you intend to achieve your research objectives. You are expected to address the following areas:
Type of investigation: Explain clearly whether your research can be classified as an exploratory, descriptive or hypothesis testing study. You may refer to the lecture notes and textbook for details on each type and present this section with theoretical supporting.
Data collection method: Explain how you are going to collect the data (e.g. postal questionnaire, telephone interview, focus group, etc.) and why this fits the purpose of your research. Attention needs to be paid to justifying the proposed methods.
Sampling method: Explain whether you plan to use a probability or non-probability sampling design and then propose the specific sampling technique to be used with reasons. The study participants should be able to offer the right type of information to enable you address the research problem.
Accessibility issues: What accessibility issues are you likely to encounter when you collect the data? How are you going to manage the accessibility issues?
Ethical issues: You must briefly discuss any ethical issues that are relevant to your research topic, participants, and method. Discuss how you are going to deal with the ethical issues.
Data analysis plan: How you intend to analyse the data you will collect? This section must be consistent with the previous section on data collection method and must be mindful of the nature of the data collected, whether this is quantitative or qualitative.
Research limitations: Define the limitations of the study that you believe you may encounter and which could affect the quality, scope, or value of the research.
Timetable and References
You may use a Gantt chart or any other method to show how you will use your available time to complete your proposed research. This will provide an indication of the viability of the proposal. You will need to justify your plan.
The reference list at this stage need not be lengthy, only sufficient to inform your proposal. The list must include all the sources that were cited and consulted in writing the research proposal. You must use the Harvard Style of referencing.
Your proposal should be written according to the module guide requirements, be spelled-checked and grammatically error free.
as you may know i got failed last time in this coursework and the order number is 81547426 , and if the writer wants to go through the dissertation the order number is 81610488