Topic: Recruitment Selection Placement
Order Description
Surf the employment pages of 3 different corporate websites. Analyze the major features, strengths and weaknesses of the recruiting messages you view throughout each
site, from the employment “splashdown” page to specific position postings. Exhibit 5.7 in your textbook may provide a starting point for your analysis.
Prepare a brief narrative report that summarizes, compares, and contrasts your findings. Based on your knowledge about these organizations, why do you think each
relies on a particular message? Suppose you were an outside consultant brought in to overhaul recruiting at these organizations. What recommendations will you make to
revise or change messages? Why?
Expect to take about 4-5 pages (double-spaced, 12 point font) to complete this assignment. Your work will be graded on completeness, clarity, originality, interest,
grammar, spelling, and punctuation.