Topic: Project Performance and Completion Presentation
Order Description
responses to the following project performance measurement and project closure items:
Project Performance Measurement
Explain how the project managers use earned value to monitor project performance.
Calculate the project’s Budget At Completion (BAC).
Explain how the Schedule and Cost Performance Indexes are calculated and are used to monitor project performance.
Explain how agile project performance measurement differs from the traditional methods.
1 Select/Assign Project Team 2 days Project Sponsorship Team (PST)
2 Determine human resources required for project 4 hours PM Project Manager (PM)
3 Match required skills to current employees 4 hours PM, HR 2 Project Team (PT)
4 Identify and request employees for project team 8 hours PM, HR 3 Human Resources (HR)
5 Select/Assign Project Team complete 4 Project Procurement Lead (PPL)
6 Establish building design and function 2.5 days Engineering Firm – Project Manager (EFPM)
7 Determine who to interview 4 hours PM, PT 5 Earthworks Geotechnical Co.
8 Interview occupants for design features 4 hours PM 7 Moving Company (MC)
9 Evaluate design features 6 hours PM, PT 8
10 Propose final design features to Sponsor 2 hours PM 9
11 Approve final design and function 30 Min PST, PM 10
12 Establish building design and function complete 11
13 Select Engineering firm to design building and cost 1.75 days
14 Solicit bids 4 hours PM, PPL 12
15 Develop criteria for engineering firm selection 2 hours PM, PPL 14
16 Evaluate/select engineering firm from bids 1 day PM, PPL, PT 15
17 Select Engineering firm to design building and cost complete 16
18 Evaluate and select building site 4 days
19 Determine site requirements 1 day EFPM, PM 17
20 Hire Contractor for soil and other testing as needed 4 hours EFPM 19
21 Identify possible building sites. 4 hours EFPM, PM 20
22 Contractor test soil at proposed building sites and provide results 1 day Earthworks 21
23 Develop criteria for building site selection 4 hours EFPM 22
24 Select building site 4 hours EFPM, PM 23
25 Evaluate and select building site complete 24
26 Obtain Funding for building 3 days
27 Prepare building proposal with estimated costs 2 days EFPM 25
28 Submit building proposal with estimated costs 2 hours EFPM 27
29 Approve building proposal with estimated costs 6 hours EFPM, PM 28
30 Approve building proposal with estimated costs complete 29
31 Hire builder
32 Solicit bids for construction of building 1 week PM, PT 11, 17, 30
33 Determine selection criteria for bids 1 day PM,PT
34 Select builder 1 day PM, PT 32
35 Negotiate builder contract terms 2 days PM, PPL, EFPM 34
36 Award builder contract 1 day PST, PM, PPL 35
37 Hire builder complete
38 Conduct builder contract oversight
39 Develop contract surveillence plan 2 days PM
40 Conduct building contract surveillences duration of contract 1 @ week PM, EFPM 39
41 Document building contract surveillences and route for review 2 hrs @ week PM 40
42 Conduct pre-delivery inspection of building 2 days PM, PT, EFPM
43 Take delivery of building 1 day PS, PM, EFPM 42
44 Conduct builder contract oversight complete
45 Furnish building
46 Identify building furnishings 2 days PM, PT, PPL 17, 29
47 Submit building furnishings cost for approval 2 days PM 46
48 Building furnishing cost approved. 1 hr PST 47
49 Solicit bids for building furnishings 4 hrs PM, PT, PPL 48
50 Determine selection criteria for building furnishings 4 hrs PM, PT
51 Select supplier of building furnishings 1 day PM, PT, PPL 50
52 Order furnishings 1 day PT, PPL
53 Receive and inspect furnishings 2 days PT, PPL 52
54 Schedule and install furnishings 1 week PM, PT 53
55 Furnish building complete
56 Occupy Building
57 Schedule employee moves 4 hrs PM
58 Notify employees of move schedule 1 hr PM 57
59 Hire moving company to assist move as required 4 hrs PM, PT 57
60 Conduct building move in 1 week PM, PT, MC 43, 58, 59
61 Occupy Building complete
62 Close Project
63 Liquidate all accounts payable 1 day PPL 42, 52, 61
64 Solicit lessons learned from all team members 4 hrs PM, PT, PPL
65 Receive lessons learned from all team members 4 hrs PM 43, 55, 64
66 Formulate final lessons learned documentation for project 1 week PM, PT 65
67 Close project complete