Topic: Policing in Britain ( Introduction only)

Topic: Improving organisation performance
September 18, 2020
Sculpture comparison
September 18, 2020

Topic: Policing in Britain ( Introduction only)

Order Description
This assessment is a group assessment and everyone has to writer a part. We are 5 in the group and I am assigned to do the Introduction and I will attach a Document with the names of every group member as well as their work. Please from the document can you come up with an appropriate introduction as well as give a brief information about ( Problem orientated policing) with 1-2 references.

the introduction should first talk about problem orientated policing then give the roles of everyone in the group. please understand what everyones roles are so the introduction looks good. the names of the members are ( Bulut, Kyle, Lee, Ilyas abubakr and Niall) i will attach the document of what everyone has researched and their roles as well as the guideline for the assessment.