Topic: Multiliteracies project

Choreography Intrinsic and Extrinsic
May 16, 2020
Topic: Overall Project Portfolio Success
May 16, 2020

Topic: Multiliteracies project

Topic: Multiliteracies project

Order Description

Part 1: Lesson Outlines
1) Write four lessons outlines (not full lesson plans) from this unit (in your overview state where they fit, e.g. first lesson, middle of unit etc). Show AUSVels or VCE links which link to each lesson.
2) Incorporate multimodal resources from the specified sources in the lessons (ACMI, ACTF, Scootle, NGV or authorised other resource), showing evidence of understanding of how to achieve student learning of AUSVels content or VCE outcomes through speaking/listening/reading/viewing/writing/creating within the contemporary multiliteracies environment. Your lessons should demonstrate your ability to design activities which involve students in creative and critical thinking and address the English learning needs that are your focus. Do not provide a lesson plan in which students are simply working on an assessment task; this does not provide effective evidence of your teaching skills. (As noted, briefly outline your assessment tasks in your overview; this will suffice);
Word limit 650 words (not counting AusVELS/VCE outcomes).
Part 2: Rationale
3) After the lesson plans, provide a theoretical rationale for your lessons/unit you have created. You must show evidence of professional/academic reading in both contemporary research on ICT/multliteracies theory such as Kope and Kalantzis, Luke and Freebody’s four resource model’, Critical literacy, personal growth and the dimensions of meaning according to the New London Group (<<include all of these as references!!!) AND addressing a particular learning need (or learning needs if you feel you are capable of covering more than one) (at least 10 sources minimum). Your approach should be informed by significant professional reading about multiliteracies theories and models, the place of multimodal’ texts in the contemporary English classroom, and weave a discussion on a learning need (or needs) throughout (eg. €¦not only is this approach useful for mainstream students but author’ (date) has suggested it is particularly useful with EAL students because€¦This is evident in my lessons when€¦).
Word limit: 1200 words.