Topic: Inclusive Edustaion – Critical Reflection

September 19, 2020
FIRE BEHAVIOR Academic Essay
September 19, 2020

Topic: Inclusive Edustaion – Critical Reflection

Order Description
1. What do you believe is the purpose of education and why are you choosing to become a teacher?
2. Do you think it is important to engage (yourself and children) in social justice education? Why? Why not?
3. What are some inclusive strategies that you could use to engage children in thinking about, or acting for social justice?
References (attached):
1. Deep end lecture PDF slides for children. Zinnia Mevawalla. 29 march 2016

1. Explore how you will engage in planning, including through formalised processes (such as the IFSP/IEP process), without accidentally excluding the child or focusing on a deficit-based approach in which you seek to change the child, rather than the environment.
2. Why is assessment an important part of the role of an early years professional, how can you ensure that your approach to assessment is genuinely inclusive and how can you use assessment to inform inclusive planning?
References (Attached):
1. Lecture week 6 2016 planning for inclusion SLIDES. Kathy Cologon. 4 April 2016
2. Lecture week 6 Assessments, adaptations, differentiation and inclusive education. Kathy Cologon. 4 April 2016
3. Cologon, K., & Cocksedge, D. (2014). The A-¬-Z of IFSPs, IEPs and SSPs! Positive planning for inclusion. In K. Cologon (Ed). Inclusive education in the early years: Right from the start (pp. 210-¬-241). South Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
4. Spandagou, I. (2014). Adapting the curriculum in the school years. In K. Cologon (Ed). Inclusive education in the early years: Right from the start (pp. 242-¬-260). South Melbourne: Oxford University Press.