Networking: Group policy
September 19, 2020
September 19, 2020

Topic: Human resources

Order Description
Read the recent People Management column “HR could save us £84bn” within the section “This month we’ve learned…,” and answer the following question: What kind of effective managerial leadership development (LMD) interventions should a large organization consider to ensure that these leaders behave responsibly and not irresponsibly, so as to cut out unnecessary expenditure? (3000-4000 words)

To answer this question students must:
• Carefully Read the learning outcomes, and aim to fulfil them
K1 Critically evaluate the relationship between effective leadership/ management development and organisational performance
K3 Analyse competences for measuring effective leadership and management performance
K4 Evaluate, select and apply a range of approaches to identifying leadership and management development needs
S5 Produce a report suitable for academic and practitioner audiences

• Carefully consider at least one of the cases of leadership failures (“…poor quality people management” which include poor/bad work practices) in large organisations reported in the last year or more in the UK and/or abroad. For example:
o BAT bribery scandal
o NHS Trusts – poor patient care
o VW – non-compliance of fuel emission regulations
o FIFA – bribery scandal
o Shell – Exposed Pipelines: Corporate Social [Ir]responsibility
o BP – Oil Spillage: Corporate Social [Ir]responsibility
o Barclays – Irresponsible Lending: Financial Scandal
o Co-operative Bank – Financial Scandal
o Primark – Child Labour: Corporate Social [Ir]responsible
o etc.)
• There are particular terms that you need to define in order to begin writing your individual report. For example
o “HR ” in the context of the module (HRM3160), what does this mean?
(Note for example, In organisational terms the ‘HR’ abbreviation is usually used as the shortened version of HRM i.e. the people management service or for the personnel and department of an organisation that deal with developing/encompassing/supporting functions such as Recruitment and Retention, Training and Development (including LMD), Performance Management (including LMD), Discipline and Grievance, Pay and Reward. The ‘HR’ abbreviation is also sometimes used to refer to the actual employees/staff of an organisation i.e. ‘HR’ are most important assets of an organisation.

o People management” in the context of the module (HRM3160) what does this mean?
o Think about what it means to “adopt sustainable good quality [HR/LMD] practices (perhaps Strategic LMD).”
o What is meant by LMD interventions? Consider using alternative synonyms such as LMD commitments, contributions, concerns, engagements, as taught during the library sessions).
To answer the main question students must also:
• Carefully Research the topic/Search the Library databases (draw from learning gained during the library session); your ability to carry out an effective search using the library data base system is crucial. You can find the presentation slides in the UniHub Area.
• Carefully Read and Draw on material used/topics covered during the workshops. For example, who leaders are, what leaders do; the managerial leaders typical role/responsibilities types and levels of leaders in the work organisation; competency frameworks, measuring LMD, Strategic LMD (including factors – external and internal that influence LMD practices, integration and LMD policy development), assessing LMD (including carrying out a needs analysis, and the value of LMD), critical and alternative approaches to LMD (including traditional and contemporary LMD, policy development, and barriers to LMD), combining learning and work (including barriers to effective LMD).
• Attend feedback sessions; and show typed up copy of work carried out so far