Topic: Effects of Pet Microchipping

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September 4, 2020
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September 4, 2020

Topic: Effects of Pet Microchipping

Order Description
This essay will an expository essay. I want you to write about positive and negative(side) effects of pet microchipping. Especially, in the side effect of microchipping paragraph, there are some cases that dogs or cats get sarcomas (i.g. hemangiosarcoma). I want you to write about what hemangiosarcoma is and how this sarcoma kills animals etc. I will attach the assignment sheet file, so you can read it before you start write.

How: For this Expository Essay, explain one concept related to your major research paper in a way that informs a reader’s knowledge on that specific angle or subject. For example, if you have decided to write your major research paper in favor of requiring women to register for the U.S. Selective Service, you could use the Expository Essay to define the term “draft.” If you have decided to write your major research paper on the topic of banned books such as the Harry Potter series, you could create an Expository Essay that explores a definition of “witchcraft.”
Create the Expository Essay using process writing and ensure its final draft accomplishes the following:
• contains an opening paragraph that introduces the reader to the purpose of the essay and offers a clear and concise thesis statement
• contains body paragraphs that explain necessary components of the specific concept being defined and applies research sources using correct APA format for citations
• contains a conclusion that summarizes the paper’s topic and restates the thesis statement
• uses at least two (2) reliable research sources
• provides an APA cover page and References page
• is revised until thoughts are conveyed, paragraphs are developed, and grammar/punctuation issues are addressed
• omits personal opinions (the goal is to teach in this written endeavor, not persuade)
• applies 3rd person point of view throughout the document
• is typed and double spaced using Times New Roman, size 12 font