Topic: Deviance and Menace II Society
Make sure you read the attached files. Note: the papaer is based on Movie Menace II Society you must make sure you are viewing the entire film;
Specific assignment:
The assignment is to apply the course material on deviance and social control (online lecture and text) to the film, Menace II Society (film will need to be rented or viewed online or at movie rental location (check: Netflix, xfinity, hulu, , or youtube;
The assignment is to apply THREE of the following four theories of deviance presented in the online lecture and/or the text: differential association theory, control-bond theory, labeling theory, or strain theory; it is required that each student choose three out of these four theories of deviance to apply to the specific examples presented in the film).
o IMPORTANT: You cannot apply rational-choice/exchange theory for this assignment (presented in the online lecture); however, you should think critically think about how you can apply this theory to the film (i.e. how the individuals presented in the film made decisions and behaved in ways that were rational/logical to them given their environment and socialization).
Apply the key terms/concepts and research/study data that were presented in online lecture and in the text to the specific examples from the film. Apply the key terms and data associated with each theory included in your paper.
Paper Organization:
Papers must be in essay format (no bullet points or subheadings).
Begin your paper with an introduction/introductory paragraph which explains the nature of the assignment, a thesis statement (one or two sentences that states the focus of your essay/paper and tells your reader what the essay is going to be about). State the specific theories that will be included in your paper (list the theories in the order in which you will cover them in your paper). Include key terms and concepts where necessary in your introduction.
ONE paragraph per theory of deviance included in your paper (synthesize the examples presented in the film, bring together all examples related to each theory you are including). Therefore, the body of your paper must include THREE theory-focused paragraphs. Incorporate application of all key terms/concepts and research/study data associated with each theory. Explain how the theory, terms, and research data specifically apply to the examples from the film.
Finally, conclude your paper with a conclusion/concluding paragraph. Summary statement: a few sentences restating your thesis in a fresh way with the goal of reinforcing the main idea. Include any final thoughts on the topic. Include key terms/concepts as needed.
It is required that you include a works cited page citing the sources utilized (film, online lecture, and text). It is only required that you utilize the film, online lecture, and the text for this assignment (no other resources are needed to complete this paper assignment). The works cited page should be the last page of your paper, on its own page. If your paper does not include a works cited page your paper will be considered plagiarized (and no points will be earned). You MUST cite each source correctly. The ?Paper Assignments? page on Blackboard includes information and resources on how to cite sources correctly including specifics on how to cite the online lecture.
Application of Social Theory/Each theory-focused paragraph:
Begin each paragraph by defining the theory in your own words. Explain the theory in no more than two or three sentences.
Provide all examples AND specific examples presented in the film of each of the three theories you have included in your paper. You must include a minimum of three specific examples from the film of each theory (this is the minimum number of examples, feel free to exceed the minimum).
Be thorough and specifically and thoroughly explain how the theory applies to each example included. Explain application of theory.
Apply the key terms/concepts and research/study data related to each of the theories to the specific examples from the film throughout your analysis (do not just note the terms in your definitions of the theories, give specific examples of the key terms/concepts). It is required that you apply the key terms associated with each social theory.
Other requirements:
Each paper must be typed, double-spaced, and 12 font.
Approximately four pages in length (however, there is not a page minimum or maximum).
Include an original title (your own, original title for the paper, not the title of the paper assignment).
In some instances you may use quotes from the film as examples and to explain your application and analysis, all other information should be in your own words. Review class policy on plagiarism (syllabus).
All use of application must be underlined or bolded (underline or bold the titles of theories, each sociological term/concept, all use of research/study data or statistics; do not bold/underline entire sentences.).
Your name and the course information must appear in the upper left-hand corner of the first page. Leave space on the top of the first page of your paper for me to type in comments/feedback.
Paper must be saved in the correct format (.doc, .docx, or .rtf; if you have a Mac computer you will need to save your paper in rich text format).
APA, MLA, or ASA format