Topic: Chad 158 in class prompt 2/17

Final Portfolio Cover Letter
August 30, 2020
Qualitative Research – Participant/Observation and Interview
August 30, 2020

Topic: Chad 158 in class prompt 2/17

Order Description
Complete the following readings prior to class:

Daro, D. & Dodge, K. (2009). Creating community responsibility for child protection: Possibilities and challenges. The Future of Children, 19(2), 67-93.

Mannes, M., Roehlkepartain, E., & Benson, P. (2005). Unleashing the power of community to strengthen the well-being of children, youth, and families: An asset-building approach. Child Welfare League of America, 84(2), 233-250.

Answer the following questions and bring a hard copy to class for our in-class discussion/activity:

Identify the Search Institute Developmental Assets Inventory (posted on Canvas) that is most relevant for the target population of your community agency.
Download this and identify which assets the program promotes/develops/supports in their clients.
Discuss the ways that your program services aim to increase the accumulation of assets among young people AND ways that they can improve or increase additional assets.