Moving Average Forecasting Models
October 3, 2020
October 4, 2020

Topic: Business Questions

Order Description
Answer the following questions and follow the instructions on how to answer them to get the best grades! ??

Question 1: using relevant examples, explain companies strategies of engaging with oppressive regimes and set out under which circumstances they are likely to employ them? (Long essay question 4-6 paragraphs)
To have the best answer for question 1:
A) Set context for your analysis (ethical issues in relation to government) and explain the concept of oppressive regime
It must be defined oppressive regime with examples in an illuminate, eloquent way

B) Identify and explain the four (4) different strategies for engaging with oppressive regimes
Explained different strategies to deal with oppressive regimes in an illuminate and eloquent way

C) Discuss and (provide real life examples) to demonstrate which factors influence the acceptability of using each of the four (4) strategies
Excellent analysis of the factors which determine the acceptability of strategic approaches to deal with oppressive regimes.

Question 2: What is the bottom of the pyramid approach and why is it considered controversial?
(Long Essay Question 6-8 paragraphs)
To have the best answer for question 2:
A) Set context for your analysis (ethical/CSR Issues re global societal problems) and explain the concept (with examples) of the bottom of the pyramid approach

Defined Bop and explained theoretical underpinnings of the model in an illuminate, eloquent way

B) Explain and justify (using examples) the (4) key criticisms of the bottom of the pyramid approach as to why it is controversial

Explain and justify why Bop can be considered controversial in an illuminate and eloquent way.

Question 3: Applying virtue ethics, would you say it is morally permissible for a multinational company to market skin-whitening cream in countries such as india? Why, why not? (Long Essay Question 6-8 paragraphs)
To have the best answer for question 3:
A) Set context for your analysis (ethical Issues-Virtues and ethics in marketing) in regards to skin whitening cream

Define concept of virtue ethics and set context and purpose of analysis clearly and succinctly

B) Identify and explain possible ethical issues surrounding the marketing of skin whitening cream (in india)
Identified and explained the ethical issues re marketing skin whitening cream in a clear, succinct and convincing manner

C) Explain and apply virtue ethics theory to the ethical dilemma in this case and what virtues should be taken into account in regard to the marketing of skin whitening cream in india

Excellent application of virtue ethics principles and relevant virtues applied to assess the morality of marketing skin whitening cream in india

Question 4: Provide a brief definition of bribery and state four reasons why it is wrong for companies to engage in bribery. (Short Essay Question 4-6 paragraphs)
To have the best answer for question 4:
A) Define what bribery is

Defined the concept within an ethical context in an illuminate, eloquent way.

B) Identify and explain (with real life examples) four (4) reasons as to why it is wring for companies to engage in bribery

Explained and applied the techniques in an eloquent, illuminate way.
Question 5: Briefly explain two influence tactics that civil society organization use to influence corporate behavior, provide relevant examples for each influence tactic (Short Essay Question 4-6 paragraphs)
To have the best answer for question 5:
A) Identify two (2) influence tactics that CSO’s use to influence Corporate Behaviour.

Eloquently and succinctly identified a relevant influence tactic outlined by Griseri and Seppala
B) Explain two (2) influence tactics that CSO’s use to influence Corporate Behaviour

Eloquently and succinctly explained a relevant influence tactic outlined by Griseri and Seppala.
C) Give Specific examples for each of the two (2) influence Tactics that CSO’s use to influence Corporate Behaviour

Excellent examples provided which convincingly and demonstrated how influence tactics by CSO’s impact corporate behaviour