Topic: Analyse an entrepreneur of your own choice – try not to use Richard Branson or many of the well known one’s usually found in main-stream en

Topic: Explore gender roles in a specific Spanish-speaking country and examine issues related to power and opportunity for women;
October 24, 2020
Discuss some artworks (painting, architecture, music, literature, or dance) from either Western or Middle-Eastern civilizations
October 24, 2020

Topic: Analyse an entrepreneur of your own choice – try not to use Richard Branson or many of the well known one’s usually found in main-stream en

Order Description
Discuss the history, development and growth of the entrepreneur to see what made this person successful?
Discuss the role of their family and socio-cultural background in the development of their entrepreneurial passion
Discuss the type of businesses they developed and the competitive advantage of the business compared to other entrepreneurs
Discuss future suggestions for the entrepreneur including different types of businesses or avenues (eg selling their business) they may take