To what extend does an understanding of the history and evolution of business and globalization help in our understanding of business today; and what

Business Report + Final Presentations
October 25, 2020
For a company to create a culture of sustainability, leaders must possess key abilities and qualities to effectively reach this objective.
October 25, 2020

To what extend does an understanding of the history and evolution of business and globalization help in our understanding of business today; and what

To what extend does an understanding of the history and evolution of business and globalization help in our understanding of business today; and what value could this have for your career?

Paper instructions:

Statement of Originality Word Count: 1500

Arial: 11

Line Spacing: 2

Quality and relevance of research used [25%]

Coherence of your argument and conclusion [30%]

Use of examples to illustrate your argument [30%]

Including correct Harvard style referencing, a logical structure, clear use of sub headings, correct grammar, punctuation and spelling? Are diagrams and tables clear where included? [15%]
