To Understand the perspective of specialist (Social work, psychologist and psychiatrist, etc) the impact of child abuse in early development

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To Understand the perspective of specialist (Social work, psychologist and psychiatrist, etc) the impact of child abuse in early development

Topic: To Understand the perspective of specialist (Social work, psychologist and psychiatrist, etc) the impact of child abuse in early development
Order Description
The standard research proposal may incorporate the following parts:

1. Title

2. Abstract

3. Introduction of your project

4. Research Question

a) General

b) Specific

5. A brief literature review

a) Conceptual framework, epistemological, ontological, axiological, theory or hypotheses (if appropriate)

6. Methods

a) Design – strategy and framework

b) Sample

c) Data collection – instruments and procedures

d) Data analysis

7. Significance of the study

8. Study limitations

9. Ethical issues, consent, access and participants’ protection (according to Massey Human Ethics Committee’s guidelines) – check Massey Human Ethics website

10. Reference

11. Appendixes (if appropriate)