To be able to identify the concept and principles associated with Corporate Social Responsibility • To be able to present and interpret the gathered

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October 2, 2020
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October 2, 2020

To be able to identify the concept and principles associated with Corporate Social Responsibility • To be able to present and interpret the gathered

“Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large”
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development, (WBCSD Stakeholder Dialogue on CSR, The Netherlands, Sept 6-8, 1998)

Assignment Task:
The main task of this assignment is to research and identify the CSR practises in the company of your choice. You are advised not to choose charities or non-profit organizations.
Based on your research prepare the report including the following elements:
1. Research and analyse the definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility including the importance of different aspects of CSR.
Marks: 20

2. Apply the Corporate Social Responsibility model to the company of your choice. You should recognize and describe CSR techniques used by the organization, and identify advantages and disadvantages of using CSR.
Marks: 40

3. Prepare recommendations for better and further use of CSR models in the organization of your choice.
Marks: 20

4. The assignment should be submitted in a report format and with the use of Harvard style of referencing