Tech Ethics & legal issues
April 2, 2020
April 2, 2020

Tim Cook’s appointment

Tim Cook’s appointment

Topic: Further guidance and marking criteria Part 1. A press release, aimed at a variety of outlets or media organisations (specified in the ‘research statement’), written at any point after Steve Jobs’ death. Suitable topics may include – The announceme

Subject: Business

Further guidance and marking criteria

Part 1.
A press release, aimed at a variety of outlets or media organisations (specified in the ‘research statement’), written at any point after Steve Jobs’ death. Suitable topics may include
– The announcement of Jobs’ death, Tim Cook’s appointment, or the launch of a new product or business development
– A response to a piece of news (bad or good) concerned with Apple’s business, product range or operational activities
NB The press release should carry a date which is appropriate to the chosen theme/content. Ie Steve Jobs died on 5th October 2011. Please do not submit a press release announcing Steve Jobs’ death on 18th February 2013.

Part 2.
A media article, aimed at 2 or 3 suitable outlets (specified in the ‘research statement’), written at any point after Steve Jobs’ death. It might address
– News of Jobs’ death and Apple’s future without him, and/or Tim Cook’s appointment
– The development / launch of a new product or business strategy
– A feature exploring any aspect of Apple’s business, product range or operational activities

Part 3.
A ‘research statement’. This will be a more traditional (but short) essay-style piece of writing (presented in accurate, coherent, continuous prose) which should describe, synthesise, and account for the research you undertook in preparing the other two parts of this assignment. i.e. This account should be a kind of literature review.
Your research statement should provide a comprehensive, detailed account of the research materials which you investigated, found, read and used (or perhaps decided not to use) in producing the press release and the media story. It should focus primarily on documentary sources and should be written in the usual neutral tones of an essay, although students may use the first person if they decide that this seems both necessary and useful.

NB Students are reminded that markers are looking for range and variety in the types of sources used. They should remember to identify the outlets for their press release and media article in the research statement.