Three Business Policy Questions

Travel Postcards
September 28, 2020
Developing an Evaluation plan
September 28, 2020

Three Business Policy Questions

Three Business Policy Questions

Please answer the following 3 questions.  A detailed response to all three parts is required.
Each answer should be about 150 – 200 words.  Please use only online references and site them using APA format.  Use 2 references for each answer and do not use

sources such as Wikipedia.
Please use single spacing.
For references, you might want to take a look at: Strategic Audit, Tech Dirt, and CI Radar
A couple of other interesting and informative sites are: Turning Data Into Decisions and Executive Dashboard
What can a corporation do to:
1.    Obtain information about strategic environmental factors
2.    Ensure that information about strategic environmental factors gets to the attention of strategy makers
3.    That those strategy makers use that information as appropriate