This Is An Offer For A Replacement Assessment In The Unit SOC10236 Applied Ethics And Sustainability Due To Your Overall Mark Being Less Than 50%.

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This Is An Offer For A Replacement Assessment In The Unit SOC10236 Applied Ethics And Sustainability Due To Your Overall Mark Being Less Than 50%.

This is an offer for a replacement assessment in the unit SOC10236 Applied ethics and sustainability due to your overall mark being less than 50%. The mark for this assignment will replace the lower of your assignment 2 or assignment 3 marks to determine your final grade.
SOC10236 Replacement Assignment
Due: 9 July 2017 11.00 PM
Length: 1500 words maximum
You must follow these submission instructions precisely.
1. Do NOT attach an SCU assignment cover sheet.
2. All text that you copy (or quote) from other sources must be formatted like this –
quoted text here (author, year, page number).
NOTE – you must use double quotation marks and provide an in-text reference in the prescribed format (ie author, year, page number).
3. Do NOT rewrite the questions in your assignment. Answer each question under a sub heading consisting of only the question letter a, b c etc. No other introductions or summaries are required.
4. Correctly reference your assignment with appropriate in-text references and provide a list of references at the end of your assignment.
5. An assignment which has a Turnitin Originality Report which shows a text match of more than 10% will not be accepted.
6. A required objective of this unit is that you learn how to use Turnitin to improve your referencing and academic writing to the required academic standard. Your assignment will not be accepted unless you have reduced the text match to 10% or less by the due date. Note that the first Turnitin Originality Report is generated in 5 minutes, however subsequent reports take 24 hours to produce.
7. It is your responsibility to review the Turnitin Originality Report and remove text matches so that your assignment conforms to the required academic writing standard by the due date. You remove text matches by strictly following the instructions above; and where required, paraphrasing and/or restating text matches in your own original words.
8. Do NOT recycle an assignment used previously in this or any other unit.

You are required to select one of the three general topics listed below and clearly define one focused and specific ethical question (ie as you did in assignments 1 and 2 in this unit).
The three general topics are stated following.
1. The responsibility of individual consumers with regards their consumption behaviour given the reality of anthropogenic climate change.
2. The global production of food: security, quality and equity.
3. The obligation of economically developed nations to alleviate extreme poverty in foreign countries.
Required tasks:

a. Clearly define one ethical problem drawn from one of the three general topics provided above and provide a brief explanation as to why your chosen ethical problem is important. (10 marks)
b. Identify academic, peer-reviewed, researched and referenced facts and key assumptions which are relevant to your analysis of the ethical problem. Fully reference each fact. (30 marks)
c. Analyse the ethical problem using act utilitarianism, identifying all relevant consequences. Compare negative versus positive consequences and assess whether net utility will rise or fall as a result of the ethical act being examined. Provide a clear ethical discussion and conclusion. (30 marks)
d. Discuss the relevance of the general topic (ie one of the three general topics identified above) which you chose (do not focus on your specific ethical problem) to the objective of sustainability, clearly identifying relevant environmental, social, cultural and economic dimensions. (30 marks)