Article Analysis
May 20, 2020
What is expected from students?
May 20, 2020

They Say, I Say

They Say, I Say Writing Assignment #3
What Does the Data Say?
At you will find the results of surveys by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering at US institutions. At are publicaly released data for each survey year from 1972 through 2011.
According to the website, these surveys collect the total number of graduate students, postdoctoral appointees, and doctorate-level nonfaculty researchers by demographic and other characteristics such as source of financial support. Results are used to assess shifts in graduate enrollment and postdoc appointments and trends in financial support.
In this paper, you will select a set of data from these surveys to analyze and then present an informed argument on changes, patterns or noteworthy phenomena you find in your dataset. Make sure to use the templates from They Say, I Say to present your argument. Use the templates from Chapters 13 and 14 to explain and analyze the data. Follow the guidelines from Unit Four of Academic Writing for Graduate Students when presenting your data commentary.
Your paper should be in standard manuscript format (double spaced, 12 point serif font, ½ first line indentation, and 1 margins right, left, top and bottom €“ the same format specified for your timed writings) and be 800 to 1,200 words long.