Research The Affordable Care Act passed on March 2010 on the internet. Write a 2 page paper PLUS THE TITLE AND REFERENCE
October 20, 2020
Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
October 21, 2020

Thesis Statement

The poem “that time of year” captures most aspects in a poem, and it makes the poem an interesting piece to read. The narrator contemplates about the reality of old age and laments all that he has left behind in his youth with the poem ending with the narrator advising people to love and cherish their youth. Through the eyes and words of the narrator,the reader can have a different view on old age and youth through different seasons and times of a year or the day (Shakespeare and Tucker 59). The topic of the poem is relevant to the aspects highlighted in the poem that are associated with winter and twilight. The use of imagery and metaphors in the poem also help in making the theme of old age more visible to all the readers. The writer also relates old age with the worst seasons and times of the day. In an attempt to show the dissatisfaction that comes with old age, the narrator has chosen the worst season and times of day to exemplify how cruel old age is deemed to be once a person attains that age (Shakespeare 10). Weakness and vulnerability are also factors that are directly related to old age and are relayed in the piece through the use of metaphors (Shakespeare and Tucker 53). The poem is a good choice due to how the writer not only uses metaphors in bringing out the theme of old age, but also in the comparison between old age and youth. The writer associates youth with all the good aspects of life and contemplates his youth and how all has ended and turned to ashes. However, it is paramount to note how the narrator ends by accepting his fate and ends up advising everyone that old age is certain, and youth will end at “that time of year.”

Works Cited

Shakespeare, William, and T. G. Tucker.The sonnets of Shakespeare. Cambridge [England: University Press, 1994. Print.