thesis proposal Academic Essay

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thesis proposal Academic Essay

Written submission

1500-word written submission which provides the detailed research proposal
Your research proposal should contain the following sections:

Ø Study title & background to the problem (400 words)

Ø Study objectives and study significance (200 words)

Ø Research design and, Sampling & recruitment (300 words)

Ø Data collection & data analysis (300 words)

Ø Ethical considerations & Rigour (Reliability & Validity / Trustworthiness) (300 words)

Use the expanded marking guide that has been provided to guide you with compiling your proposal

Marking guide 3: Research Proposal

Study title & background to the problem (400 words)?Titles:

? Quantitative ? key variables, study population, methodology/paradigm, context
? Qualitative ? phenomenon of interest, group under study, methodology/paradigm, context

Background to the problem:

? What is known already about the issue?
? What is the gap in knowledge?
? What will the study attempt to do in ?order to answer the gap in knowledge
? Is the study guided by a ?theoretical/conceptual framework? If so, what is it and how will it be used?

Study objectives & study significance (200 words)?Objectives:

? Translate the research problem / purpose statement / research question / hypothesis into specific objectives
? Tell the reader specifically what your study will be doing to answer the gap in knowledge
? Objectives need to have a specific focus ?Significance:
? What is the significance of this study?
? What will the knowledge that your

study gains help to achieve?
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Posted on May 1, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions