These is a Project Management Course.Discuss?

September 8, 2020
Map the Supply Chain Paper
September 8, 2020

These is a Project Management Course.Discuss?

These is a Project Management Course
Please see the attachment for instruction and assign me a writer who have a knowledge of project management and will work on my papers for next 6 weeks. I already had a very bad experience on my last order and I do not want to go through that again!! Please provide me with writer number which I can request for the same one if works this time. These will be the same continuous project which is connecting to one another so like I say I need one writer to do my orders. I appreciate the help
Added on 02.11.2015 13:48
I have attached as much as recourses which can help for the writer. I also attached two of the team or group work project that I am doing with my groups since this individual work will based on the group project. Please! Please! make sure to understand and follow the instruction, if any question let me know , I do not have more time to offer
Thank you
Added on 02.11.2015 13:51
I wasnt sure I have load the main Instruction