There are different residential options for seniors, depending on their physical and cognitive status

The Background of Sonia Sanchez
September 9, 2020
cleaning governmental actions to encourage public overall wellbeing since the New Delhi
September 9, 2020

There are different residential options for seniors, depending on their physical and cognitive status

” This term paper should be 3,000 words, double-spaced, 12-point font (your reference list at the end of your paper is not included in your word count). This term paper requires you to not only review the literature on your chosen topic, but also to critically analyze the literature and topic area.

” This term paper (3,000 words, double-spaced, 12-point) is a critical analysis of a topic area within the field of gerontology. The paper is to be based on a review of gerontological literature. Statements made in the paper should be supported by references to published peer-reviewed academic journal articles, book chapters, and books. Your paper must go beyond the material found in your course readings—you are expected to refer to at least 10 to 12 additional academic sources directly related to your topic.


” Topic: There are different residential options for seniors, depending on their physical and cognitive status. Review the literature on the following community-based housing options:
o Seniors” independent housing.
o Supportive housing.
o Assisted living.
Describe the characteristics of each type of housing, including physical environments, services provided, and how these different options meet different needs.

Grading Scheme:
This assignment is worth 30% of your grade and will be graded out of 70 points.

Quality of Paper Organization (5 points)

Includes: Title Page; Proper introduction and conclusion; Use of headings and subheadings

Quality of Argument and Coherence (50 points)

Includes: Clarity, sequencing, and coherence of arguments; Comprehensiveness of literature review; Critical analysis of the literature

Quality of Research Source and Accuracy (10 points)

Includes: Completeness of search for references, and acceptable number of references; References are of acceptable quality (e.g.,
