The Speaker’s Corner
September 13, 2020
Rhetoric in Sicko (2007)
September 13, 2020

The World War II

The World War II was one of the events that will be remembered as one of the darkest moments in the history of human beings. The death toll was estimated o be between 60 and 80 million. One of the motivations but first attacked Europe. There were tensions between the US and Germany, which originated from the WI and wanted to have revenge. The motion pictures and radio technology in America enabled them to view and hear the events of war especially in Europe and Asia and felt that they needed to act. The US participated in both the Second World War and the Vietnam War by sending their soldiers to the battle. The other motivation of the US participating in the WWII was the knowledge that the soldiers had due to the tremendous training to fight in battlefields. On the other hand, the main North Vietnamese defeated the South Vietnamese.

Many Americans did not want to join the WWII and close to 79% of the American population said that they would vote an ‘NO’ to a referendum was put upon joining the war. In fact, the Americans were pushed to participate in the war against their will. The Americans finally join. The country policy was to maintain neutrality to the war and the depression that occurred in the country. Most of the Americans were also occupied with their personal troubles and problems to pay any attention to the war. The neutrality Act prohibited the Americans from supplying weapons and supplies to foreigners involved in the conflict. The Americans preferred piece and blamed their troubles to their participation in the WWI by supplying firearms and other war materials.

The cold war came after WWI and WWII in which there was a state of political and military tension between the Western and the Easter Blocs. There was little or no direct fighting but supported the proxy wars in Korea, Afghanistan, and Vietnam. The period was full of psychological warfare, technological competition, and propaganda. Technology development such as space race was the key as the two blocs competed and prepared for future wars. The cold war resulted in a unipolar international system in which the US became the World superpower. Many lives were lost in wars involving the Koreans and Vietnam, and there were several tensions all over the world created by competition by the US and the Soviet Union. Large nuclear weapons were built during this era, which can cause The other legacies of the cold war were nuclear with the mass manufacture of nuclear weapons and the economic legacies in which nations focused peace and developments to repair the destruction caused by the WWI and WII. Institutions such as national defense and security forces were formed by governments secure countries’ boundary from external attacks. The WWI and WWII can be viewed as the starting point for rebuilding of several nations and the modern development of technology. After the wars, he US, Soviet Union, and other participants suffered greatly and required reconstruction that happened during the cold war.