The use of IT (Information Technology) in our legal system

March 11, 2020
Essay Writers
March 11, 2020

The use of IT (Information Technology) in our legal system

The use of IT (Information Technology) in our legal system

Paper instructions:
The use of IT (Information Technology) in our legal system: how have the types of crimes changed, how have the laws kept up to the technology changes, and how does the legal system utilize IT (Information Technology)?

Research papers:
These are research papers with a minimum of three complete pages. Cite a minimum of four different sources. Give specific examples. The title page and bibliography are not included in the page count.
Discuss the full impact of the topic at the local, state, national, and global level.
The whole research paper has to be in ONE WORD file and it can be submitted only via blackboard. Only one attempt will be allowed. They are due before the beginning of the lab.
No email submissions will be accepted, no hand written work will be accepted and the following format is required:
•    Font: Times New Roman,
•    Font size: 12,
•    Line spacing: 2.0,
•    Justified,
•    Margins: one inch on both right and left sides,
•    Title and student name: on the first page,
•    References: on the last page
You may include up to two pictures but cite the sources; they should not be larger than 3 inches diagonally.
Points will be deducted if the format is wrong.

Topic    Due Date
3    The use of IT (Information Technology) in our legal system: how have the types of crimes changed, how have the laws kept up to the technology changes, and how does the legal system utilize IT (Information Technology)?    Week of Oct 20