The sustainability of biofuel production and usage in India
Choose the main stakeholder effected for the paper. Formulate 3-5 questions to be answered which will be centered around the main stakeholder and are answered throughout the paper. Which laws and regulations do they not comply with? Ensure you refer to particular sections of the law or regulation. Create very focused and polished commentary on how the issues and your analysis of them compare to the principles laid down in key global sustainability instruments? As a minimum, you must refer to the sustainability ideas which are mentioned in the Brundtland Report. Note that cutting and pasting sections or quoting from the Report or other sources without discussing the relevance of these quotes to the specific issues in your project will not earn you any marks.
The structure of the report should follow this:
� Discussion � Start drafting a very focused and polished commentary on how the issues and your analysis of them compare to the principles laid down in key global sustainability instruments? As a minimum, you must refer to the sustainability ideas which are mentioned in the Brundtland Report, and how the issue does/doesn’t comply to the Report. Note that cutting and pasting sections or quoting from the Report or other sources without discussing the relevance of these quotes to the specific issues in your project will not earn you any marks.
� Options � develop a set of possible options for dealing with the issues in light of all these analyses, and spell out the pros and cons of adopting each option. Yor options MUST be about changing the law: eg. changing legislation, case law, commercial legal instruments, treaties, legal; regulatory regimes, compliance measures, legal education, the Court system, or some other aspect of the legal system. Your pros and cons should address the specific stakeholder needs that you raised in your Stakeholder Analysis in Week 5, and address them in the scientific, economic, social, ethical and governance dimensions that you raised in your Factual Analysis in Week 6.
� Conclusions and recommendations � Put forward the best of the options which you have formulated and discussed previously, with your reasoning about why they are the best. State the specific actions which you believe the reader of your report should take to make these options come to reality. An option is only viable if you explain how the recommended change in the law can be brought about � are there barriers to implementation in the form of political resistance? Is the state bound by trade agreements that have to be modified and how? Is there a need to resource additional education or compliance or review or some other aspect of how the legal system work.
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