The study of riligion-Tools and Methods in the Study of Religion

Topic: Concepts of Spatial Planning
August 30, 2020
Work Innovation Network (WIN) and Productive Learning Academic Essay
August 30, 2020

The study of riligion-Tools and Methods in the Study of Religion

The study of riligion-Tools and Methods in the Study of Religion

Order Description
Finding Religion at UCSD. 2700-word fieldwork research paper. Through various methodologies such as interviews or ethnography, you can locate a place, a group of people, a public activity, a ceremony, or anything that you may consider as “religious” and, accordingly, analyze and hypothesize based on methods of data collection and theories you have learned in class. This activity should include a section for research design, identifying the core research question, support and expand on a core research question, choosing a theory, and selecting a method (or methods). You will have to adopt a reference style (MLA, Chicago, etc.) and include the bibliography at the end of the paper.

This is me:
I consider “Grading System” as religious in UCSD.
UCSD (University of California San Diego) has quarter system. Everything is fast paced and it goes really quickly. The grades being so important, students work so hard to achieve it, making it a sacred thing. It is just like worshiping it with a promise of a messiah with is good grade or graduation with honor for example. I wanted to make it more related to UCSD so i can answer any question you may have. I will attache some additional informations.