Final Grade awarded:
L3P / L3M / L3DAssignment BriefTitle of Access to HE Diploma: HUMANITIES / SOCIAL SCIENCES / EDUCATION / HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCEUnit title(s): The Sociology of Education
Unit code(s): QU007370
Tutor/Assessor: J.McCarthy, S.PattersonTitle of Assignment:
Task: Write a 1500 to 2000 word essay that addresses all assessment criteria and responds to the title of assignment.Write an essay of approximately 1500 words, using the title: To What Extent is Educational Attainment Meritocratic?Make sure that you include reference to both consensus and conflict theory approaches to the subject of education and the education system. Include analysis of the role of at least one of the following factors: labelling, self-fulfilling prophecy, streaming, language and cultural capital. Remember to analyse how social class, gender and ethnicity relate to educational achievement in the UK.
You should also include any recent educational reforms that have attempted to address differential educational attainment.Date set:
Date for final
Formal Extension Request: Y/N
Signed by Tutor/Assessor to agreed extension:Date
Resubmission Deadline: (two working weeks after first submission returned)
Date resubmission submitted: Date returned to student:
Referral request? Y/N
Learner declaration: I declare that all the work submitted for this unit is my own, and that where I have drawn on the work of others I have referenced this in accordance with the College Policy
Signature: Date:
TO THE LEARNER: Please attach this assignment brief to any written work you are handing in for assessment, or submit the brief as instructed. YOUR WORK CANNOT BE ASSESSED UNLESS YOU HAVE SIGNED AND SUBMITTED THIS FORM.Unit title: The Sociology of Education
This assignment addresses the following Assessment Criteria from the unit (or a copy of the unit may be attached, if all the ACs are involved :
AC No Level Three
Discuss recent reforms in education
2.1Discuss the different perspectives on education3.1Analyse different factors affecting educational attainment
Grade Descriptors:
If you have achieved all Level 3 on the assessment criteria you will be awarded a grade (Pass, Merit or Distinction) against the following Grade Descriptors.
There are no descriptors for Pass; learners achieve a Pass by meeting all ACs for the unit at Level 3
To gain a Merit or Distinction in a graded unit, your work must match the performance described in the following grade descriptors.
Grade Descriptor To achieve a Merit :
The learner, learners work or performance: To achieve a Distinction :
The learner, learners work or performance:
GD2: Application of knowledge
GD2: (a) Makes use of relevant: ideas
perspectivesand shows; (c) Very good levels
of accuracy and analysis.GD2: (a) Makes use of relevant: ideas
perspectives and shows; (c) Excellent levels of accuracy and analysis.
Grade Descriptor To achieve a Merit :
The learner, learners work or performance: To achieve a Distinction :
The learner, learners work or performance:
GD7: Quality
GD7: (c) Taken as a whole, demonstrates a very good response to the demands of the brief/assignment.
GD7: Taken as a whole, demonstrates an excellent response to the demands of the brief/assignment.
Additional Guidance on Achieving Grades(Please give guidance to the learner on how they may be considered for a Merit or a Distinction)To achieve a Merit students must demonstrate a very good knowledge and understanding of Sociological theories of Education this includes the functionalist and Marxist perspectives.
Students should also evaluate a range of factors contributing to differential educational attainment including material depravation and cultural disadvantages. You must also explore the relationship between one of the following factors of educational achievement social class, gender and ethnicity.
Students must include at least 2 recent educational reforms these can include EMA, EAZs CTCs and Academies.To achieve a Distinction students must demonstrate an excellent knowledge and understanding of Sociological theories of Education. This includes the functionalist and Marxist perspectives as well as the feminist and interactionist perspectives on education. Students should also evaluate a range of factors contributing to differential educational attainment including material depravation and cultural disadvantages with a clear conceptual link supported by theory. e.g Cultural capital and the Marxist perspective and Labelling theory and the interactionist perspectives.
You must also explore the relationship between at least 2 of the following factors of educational achievement social class, gender and ethnicity.
Students must include at least 3 recent educational reforms these can include EMA, EAZs CTCs and Academies.
Unit code: QU007370
Tutor/Assessor:J.McCarthy, S.Patterson
Assignment Title: The Sociology of Education
Date issued: Submission date:
Internally moderated? Y/N
Moderation date:
First Submission Additional feedback (referring to AC achievement):Resubmission comments (where appropriate):
Referral feedback (where appropriate):
LOs ACs covered Achieved Resubmitted Referral
LO1 AC 1.1LO1 AC 2.1LO2 AC 3.1If all learning outcomes are achieved at level 3 and with a timely submission or resubmission, the assignment will be graded.Grade Descriptor Grade awarded Comment
GD2: Application of SkillsGD7:
QualityGrade indicators for assignment:
Final unit grade, if applicable *Learner Signature:Date:
Learner Feedback
Reflect on your academic progressCritical reflection is a well-established means by which all students, at all levels of study, are encouraged to think about their own progress and development acknowledging where progress has been made and identifying areas for further improvement and development.
How would you score your approach to this assignment?
1- Significant strength 2 Strength 3 Competent 4- Development needed 5 -Significant development needed
Time set aside for study
Organisation of your research
Satisfaction with the submission
Meeting the hand in deadline Did you identify any gaps in your knowledge in completing this assignment?
What did you do about this?
Did you identify any skills you found difficult to master? What could you do to improve these skills?
What would you do differently next time?