The selection of the category of your project is due Monday, February 4th for MWF class and on Tuesday, February 5th for TTH class.

Paramilitary groups
March 29, 2020
SABIC Practitioner Corporate award – Integrative assignment
March 29, 2020

The selection of the category of your project is due Monday, February 4th for MWF class and on Tuesday, February 5th for TTH class.

The selection of the category of your project is due Monday, February 4th for MWF class and on Tuesday, February 5th for TTH class.

You will be choosing within the following categories:
• foreign direct investment (FDI)
o Current economic recession: foreign economic systems

2nd step: submit the project proposal (the hard copy)
The project proposal is due on Friday, March 15th for MWF class and on Thursday, March 14th for TTH class. The proposal should be at least one page long and typed using single space, 12 Times Roman, and should include the following paragraphs:
• Project title
• Authors name
• A brief description of the project:
o importance of the topic
o analyzed issues (list the subjects and categories that will be discussed)
o methods and tools (descriptive part and empirical part /statistical data)
• Organization of the team activities; how the team is communicating and collaborating (please describe the responsibilities of each member of the team).
• References (sources used)

3rd step: submit the final version of the project (blackboard submission)
The project will be submitted in the form of MS word doc. via discussion board (APA style). The submission due date is Friday, April 12th for MWF class and Thursday, April 11th for TTH class. The project should be prepared using word-processing (single space,12 Times Roman) and include minimum 8 pages (front page counts as a first page and references as last) and consist of the following:
o Front page (topic, name of student, name of instructor, course, semester etc.)
o Table of contents (use page numbers)
o Introduction
o Develop each topic from the table of contents
o Statistics and graphs to support the text included in the text
o Conclusions
o List of references

4th step: power point presentation
Project presentation should include brief introduction of the problem, importance of the discussed issues, methods used and results. The clarity of the presentation constitutes important part of the project evaluation. Each member of the team must have a part in the presentation. Final presentations dates are: