Week 6 Discussion
March 30, 2020
Art of war by Sun Tzu
March 30, 2020

The Rocky Mountains Range

The Rocky Mountains Range

Introduction – introduce topic- . Bring focus to your study through dramatic opening, leading into thesis statement. Your thesis is your hypothesis – the main point you want to make about a geologic principle.
First Point coming out of thesis statement
Support #1 from research
Support #2 from research
Personal observation, backed by facts/text passages
Transition to next point.
Second Point coming out of thesis statement
Support #1 from research
Support #2 from research
Personal opinion, backed by facts/text passages
Transition to next point.
Third Point coming out of thesis statement
Support #1 from research
Support #2 from research
Personal opinion, backed by facts/text passages
Transition to conclusion.
Conclusion – restate thesis (hypothesis) and close with striking point or quotation.
References page – in APA format.
Research and Writing Requirements:
Proper mechanics (clear, concise, complete sentences and paragraphs), proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. (See style handbook, such as The Pocket Wadsworth Handbook referred to in the Online Library, which you can access through the Resources tab.)
Five or six sources for the paper from your research. Your textbook is a good resource. Use quality sources such as a university or government website if you are conducting research on the Internet. Similarly, printed books and magazines might appear more trusted but should still be critically evaluated. Please use one or two sources as available from the Online Library.(See Ebsco.)
Use statements and ideas that you have come up with on your own and blend these in with your research. Do not plagiarize. If you want to use actual words from a source, put them in quotation marks with the source.
Choose a readable format for the paper itself. Use a font such as Verdana in 11-point. Follow APA format for citing your sources. For more information on APA, please visit the Online Library, which is available through the Resources tab.
Your Instructor will use the following guidelines to evaluate your project:
Project reflects enthusiasm and interest in exploring one aspect of geology.
Focuses on one geologic principle clearly illustrated in your study.
Well organized Outline with Introduction, Thesis, Body in support of Thesis, and Conclusion.
Research tracks details that illuminate the geological principle.
Writing follows technical requirements of the project, including mechanics.
Note. There is no extra credit for students who visit a geologic feature or museum nor penalty for students selecting projects which are largely based on local or library research.
If you have any questions throughout this project, please ask your Instructor. Post ideas and questions for your classmates in the General Course Questions forum in the Getting Started section of this course.