Write a 7-9 page research paper based on the Epic of Gilgamesh. The paper must be typewritten, double-spaced, usinbg 12 pt. font, “Times New Roman,” with one-inch margins all around. Page numbers are required and should be centered at the bottom of the page.
Cite information in the paper according to “Chicago Manual of style” in the form of footnotes.
The paper must include one major primary source (The Epic of Gilgamesh) and at least 3 secondary sources as well. Secondary sources should consist of at least 2 sholarly articles and one monograph (a scholarly book) that deals with the research problem.
The majority of the paper should deal with the reading and interpretation of the primary source (The Epic of Gilgamesh), and keep quotations to a minimum. A strong paper will have fewer direct quotes and more citations, paraphrases, and your own analysis. Secondary sources should always be cited, but rarely quoted.