The Prison Industrial Complex

Prison Systems and Utopias
November 17, 2019
Animal Endangerment
November 18, 2019

The Prison Industrial Complex

The Prison Industrial Complex


Guide Questions:
1. What are the contending or conflicting views, perspectives, and issue positions in respect to your paper topic? Please elaborate.
2. Based on your research, what is your position on the issue area that you have selected? Explain why.
Conduct research into your chosen topic and prepare a final paper (4-5 pages in length or 5 pages maximum), typed, double-spaced, 12 font, with margins around each page not to exceed 1 inch, appropriate use of citations as footnotes, include a bibliography, and indicate the section# of the class in which you are enrolled. Use charts, graphs, tables, etc. as appropriate to display data-informing content. Note that citations, as necessary, should be provided in the form of footnotes (i.e., listed at the bottom of the page on which they appear–not at the end of the paper). Your bibliography should include all source materials that you sorted through in conducting research on your topic, including sources from which you cited material as well as sources reviewed even if you did not specifically cite from any of these source materials in preparing your paper. Ensure that you adhere to critical paper writing guidelines by using the guide questions enumerated in the “Format for Writing Critical Papers” as a guide which is contained in the last section of your course syllabus.