The policy of mandatory detention of asylum seekers

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The policy of mandatory detention of asylum seekers

The policy of mandatory detention of asylum seekers
Order Description
Write an essay about the policy of mandatory detention of asylum seekers informed by a critical understanding of human rights and community development using the following outline:

1. Key human rights issues surrounding the policy of mandatory detention in Australia;

2. Analysis of the societal dynamics/politics surrounding the policy of mandatory detention; and

3. Outline of a community development approach to address the human rights issues in mandatory detention

For Part 1, you are expected to identify at least three key human rights issues surrounding the policy of mandatory detention here in Australia, name relevant laws/standards and cite specific practices/activities of the Federal Government that represent a violation of such standards.

For Part 2, you are expected to discuss the (Australian) societal dynamics/politics that informed the adoption and sustains enforcement of this policy by successive Federal Governments. Given your understanding of Australian society, what motivated the adoption of the policy and why have successive governments continued to enforce it? You need to go beyond the articulated rationale: that the policy is meant to protect Australia’s borders. You need to demonstrate a critical understanding of Australian politics and society.

For Part 3, you are expected to discuss one of the three classical community development models discussed in class OR any community development approach that you can reference and illustrate how such an approach can be used in addressing a human rights issue relating to the policy of mandatory detention. The discussion need not tackle the full range of issues relating to mandatory detention.
The assignment should be written in formal, academic style. Use subheadings corresponding to the three points outlined above is encouraged. Observe proper referencing using the Harvard style.