The dissertation topic is belong human resource management.
The topic is The perception of fairness in reward allocation and its impact on employee discretionary behaviour in a chinese firm.
The research aim and objectives is : 1. employees feeling about the current reward management stragegy being used.
2. Identify how such feeling impact their approach to work with the company.
so can you help me write the research background in the introduction?
In the introduction background part. firstly you should focus on the perception of fairness in reward allocation. why is important. why you choose study this.
secondly, you should focus on employee discretionary behaviour. how to impact on employee discretionary behaviour.
thirdly, you should describe why you choose a Chinese firm for study in the topic. why not a western company.
But in the background part you should focus on the perception of fairness in reward allocation and its impact on employee discretionary behaviour. and then to describe why choose a chinese firm. but not too much describe this.