The only purpose of any investment or business is to earn as much money as possible, any reference to labour right is irrelevant. Comment on this stat

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The only purpose of any investment or business is to earn as much money as possible, any reference to labour right is irrelevant. Comment on this stat

The only purpose of any investment or business is to earn as much money as possible, any reference to labour right is irrelevant. Comment on this statement with reference to either Smiths The Wealth of Nations or Marxs Economic Manuscripts of 1844.

Project description
Title: The only purpose of any investment or business is to earn as much money as possible, any reference to labour right is irrelevant. Comment on this statement with reference to either Smiths The Wealth of Nations or Marxs Economic Manuscripts of 1844.

In my opinion, I think labour right is also important. Life is not just about money.

Reference guidelines: To support your argument with textual evidence, you may cite directly from the text or paraphrase significant passages in the selected reading. When you do so, follow the citation with a pair of brackets giving the book number and line number(s).