The need for completing a self-awareness assessment allows you to gain better insight and an in-depth focus on your personal traits, desirable working conditions, salary ranges, long-term goals, and skill levels that will aid in leading you towards the career that you desire. Assessing your needs through a self-assessment best serves to aid you in your job search by locating job opportunities that best fit your needs and the needs of the employer.
Locate a job announcement for a position in the criminal justice profession and review all the requirements. Review the self-assessment chart that is attached. Take a few moments to think about specific words and phrases that best describe characteristics about yourself and your career considerations for the job position you selected and list them on the following self-assessment chart.
Download Self-Assessment. SEE ATTACTED FILE 1,000 to 2,000 words for the essay, no min for chart
Complete the chart by listing your specific character traits, working conditions, salary ranges, general and special skills, and future professional development needs. Make sure to use as many descriptive words as possible that help to fully describe each of the categories on the chart. In essay format, discuss how and if the position that you chose appeals to your overall career aspirations based on your self-awareness assessment.
You will be graded according to the following criteria:
Content and Development: 80%