Date of Submission:
The Mexican Revolution of 1910
Don Francisco 1.Madero was the leader of the Mexican people when they shed their blood to win back their rights which had been trampled on and ignored. The Mexicans also wanted to take back the conquering of liberties and take possession of power. San Francisco violated the sacred principles and took an oath to defend under his own slogan that called for effective suffrage but no reelection. By so doing, he outraged the faith that the people held the justice of the people and the liberation of the people.
San Francisco was the Chief of the Liberating Revolution at that time. He initiated the revolution with the help of God and the people but at the end the revolution was not glorious. This is because the governing powers he left behind lacked integrity and were very weak. The government corrupted some elements of oppression and became a dictatorial era. The government was not or could not in any way represent an element of National Sovereignty. The president of Mexico at the time avoided fulfilling the promises made to the people of Mexico which he had made to the nation. It was in the plan of San Luis Potosi which used false promises and numerous threats against the nation. The government pursued, jailed, and killed the elements that experienced revolution; the same elements that helped the president occupy the post of presidency.
People made their greatest sacrifices as they tried to win back their ideal of liberty and justice. San Francisco says that the Mexicans did not expect to suffer that much after fighting so hard for their independence. The citizens became oppressed to a level that they could not tolerate anymore. The people in exchange of tyranny offered peace which was not led by the law but force from the dictatorship government. The peace that they offered was considered to be full of shame for the Mexican Nation. Force was used to administer the peace not for the progress of the Nation but for the benefit of a small group of people. A group that had converted the public resources, into fountains that benefited them alone but not the country by taking the governments contracts and concessions all for themselves.
Administration of justice in Mexico became a problem and the government never protected the weak. The government acted as if it was legalizing the bad deeds of the strong. The judges supported the wrongs of the strong instead of implementing justice to the victims of corruption and other bad deeds. The president at6 the moment only focused on maintaining his presidency through dictatorship. The people chose the president because they had confidence in him and expected the best from him. The president declared some elections illegal just because he did not want to step aside claiming that it would be treason not to lead his people. All the fight for liberation and independence became a waste to those that fought for it since the government turned out to be dictatorial.
Works Cited
Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Relations: Revolutions in Mexico. 2nd session, 1998, July.