Week 3 Review post 2 minimum of 150 words apa format
March 15, 2020
mobile communication
March 15, 2020

The Mafia killed JFK

INFORMATIVE ESSAY – WRITING CHECKLIST 1. Refer to Task Sheet 2. Analyse the title • task words • topic words • limiting words 3. Brainstorm & mind map what you already know 4. Research your topic in credible sources 5. Choose three main aspects 6. Write outline of body of essay i.e. Plan your work then work your plan 7. Write a paragraph for each aspect: • Topic sentence • Supporting sentences – explain, give evidence and/or examples • Concluding sentence – clincher can link towards next paragraph 8. Write your conclusion: • Read each paragraph, especially the concluding sentence of each • Summarise the main points of these in your own words to form a concluding paragraph. • This ensures you do not introduce new material. 9. Write your introductory paragraph • Read topic sentence from each paragraph • Read concluding paragraph • Paraphrase the information contained in these sentences to form the introduction • This method ensures that the introduction: • Tells the reader the aspects of the topic to be discussed • Tells the reader the point of view (or thesis) to be proven • Is an actual outline of what is in the essay Proofread: 10. Read your essay to check for logical presentation and the flow of ideas Read your essay to check for the five C’s: • Clear • Complete • Concise • Correct • Courteous (This refers to tone – is your writing formal and appropriately academic?) 11. Check for mechanical correctness eg spelling, punctuation 12. Check all bibliographic and reference details. Some people prefer to write the introduction first. Try, and then see which way works best for you. INFORMATIVE ESSAY PLAN • INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH o Introductory sentence giving brief contextual background relating to the main idea/purpose o Aspect 1 o Aspect 2 o Aspect3 o Clincher/linking sentence clarifying main idea/purpose • BODY o Paragraph – Aspect 1 in full – use in text references in this paragraph to show where the information comes from; use at least two references per paragraph. • Topic sentence • Supporting sentence 1 • Supporting sentence 2 • Supporting sentence 3 • Clincher/linking sentence o Paragraph – Aspect 2 in full– use in text references in this paragraph to show where the information comes from; use at least two references per paragraph. • Topic sentence • Supporting sentence 1 • Supporting sentence 2 • Supporting sentence 3 • Clincher/linking sentence o Paragraph – Aspect 3 in full– use in text references in this paragraph to show where the information comes from; use at least two references per paragraph. • Topic sentence • Supporting sentence 1 • Supporting sentence 2 • Supporting sentence 3 • Clincher/linking sentence • CONCLUSION o Re-statement of thesis or main perspective/purpose o Summary of all aspects o Insightful wrap up comment Has to have a bibliography & reference list