Discuss problem or issue related to practice, policy, population, or education that aligns with organizational priorities that you seek to solve.
March 16, 2020
Macro & Micro economics
March 16, 2020

the Letter to the Ephesians

Unit 5
Lesson 5.1
•    Discussion Question
o    What do you see as a major contribution to the conclusion that Paul did not write every letter attributed to him?  You might address style, grammar, attitude, etc.
•    Written Assignments
1.    After reflecting on the “message of the Letter to the Ephesians” find any two major issues in the letter itself and shows how the author’s thinking applies.  You will have to read Brown’s treatment of Ephesians to do this.  This answer should be 1½ to 2 pages in length.
2.    To whom was the Letter to the Hebrews written?