The important of having corporate social responsibility events for company in Thailand and the UK: a comparative study

critical thinking essay
September 6, 2020
September 7, 2020

The important of having corporate social responsibility events for company in Thailand and the UK: a comparative study

Order Description
A typical structure for the Project Proposal is: (total 4000 words)
Introduction 10% of words (approximately 400 words)
Description of the research topic
Aims and object of this research
Research background
Literature Review 40% of words (approximately 1600 words)
Definition of CSR events
History and Development of Corporate Social Responsibility events
Development of Corporate Social Responsibility event today
The important of having corporate social responsibility events for company
The business perspective of the UK and Thailand
Methods 40% of words (approximately 1600 words)
Overview of methods
Research philosophy (ontology and epistemology)
Research question
Data collection
Data analysis (coding of transcripts and comparison of cases)
Findings and Analysis Presentation of findings (quantitative: SPSS tables;
qualitative: summary tables). Analysis of results, comparing and contrasting results
with literature models/themes. Validity and reliability of the findings. Weaknesses
of the study Conclusions 10% of words (approximately 400 words)
1. Description of the research topic and its importance
2. Definitions of key terms
3. Review of the relevant literature, ideally as a theoretical framework. Issues/themes requiring further research clearly identified
4. Research question(s); and hypotheses (if it is a quantitative study)
5. Justification of research philosophy (epistemology) that is congruent with research questions
6. Research design: inductive or deductive; quantitative or qualitative. A approaches to sampling (random or non-random)
7. Approaches to data gathering: survey, case study, interviews, focus groups, etc.
8. Approaches to data analysis (for quantitative designs, which statistical tools; for qualitative which analysis methods, e.g., content analysis, thematic analysis)
9. Quality in data analysis: approaches to ensuring the validity and reliability of findings
10. List of references (not included in the word count)
11. Research instrument(s), such as questionnaires, interview schedules, ethics documents (as appendices, not included in the word count).Focus Does the Proposal set up a clear research question to address?
Does the essay stay within and fulfil the topic parameters?
Synthesis Does the Proposal bring together the literature in a significant manner that addresses a research question?
Soundness Does the Proposal indicate a comprehensive understanding of the topic area and literature discussed?
Clarity of structure Is the Proposal well organised and logically constructed to achieve synthesis while being mindful of the needs of the reader?
Mechanical Soundness Is the Proposal clearly written, spell checked and grammatically sound and referenced appropriately?Appendices (not included in word count but if you have please put it)
Appendix 1. Interview schedule
Appendix 2. Ethical waiver form and information on project supplied to interviewees
Appendix 3. Timeline of dates (access negotiation, data collection, analysis, writeup)
Appendix 4. Costs involved (travel, voice recorder, mailing, telephone call)