the impact of union organizing campaign and union membership has declined drastically

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September 16, 2020
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September 16, 2020

the impact of union organizing campaign and union membership has declined drastically

In this modern generation, the impact of union organizing campaign and union membership has declined drastically. However, in the recent years several unions have increased effort targeting non-employers more so from the service industry. A strong union can be built through proper negotiation. (Budd, J 2009) noted that creativity is what fuels negotiation forward.

In my opinion, winning the recognition for any union should not be a big deal if proper mechanisms for consultation are put in place. The first mechanism includes setting the stage this is because the language used during negotiation tends to be flexible. However, when dealing with the financial issues the case tends to be a little bit different. Identifying the organization goals and objectives is also important since it will hinder the rival company to dictate the bargaining issues in the presence of a good negotiator.

Proactive bargaining power can also be achieved through anticipation of the union’s needs. This should enable the management to improvise proper ways of calculating the cumulative capital or proposals represented by the company. Having the knowledge of the of the union demands is important in that it will help you to have a clear understanding of cost of current labor.

The biblical story in (2 Corinthians 8:12) indicates that Christian giving should correspond to your real life situation this statement can be practiced in Human Resource where employees and the entire company should contribute cheerfully when need arises.

Depending with the kind of company involve if the entire union members are Christians, then incorporating some of the Christian or biblical stories, inspiration and motivation can do a great deal towards enhancing better performance.

When you are part of the union representative, the preparation for negotiation can change the style from that of a non-member person. In this case, the first stage of preparation would involve referring back to the previous consultation this is important since it will help Human Resources experts to examine the arguments given by both sides and also the answers that were contributed in that argument.