Developmental Curriculum Paper Custom Essay
March 25, 2020
public speaker
March 25, 2020

The History of Jazz.


This study generally summarizes the introduction, development and the contributions made by jazz music in the American society. This includes the 1960 – Modern Jazz, Free Jazz and John Coltrane and the 1970-Jazz/Rock Fusion and Hippies in the Traditional mainstream and contemporary approach. Following the introduction of jazz in the 1970s, one of the key figures that revolutionized American jazz, Miles Davies, stood at the forefront of various musical developments and the surfacing of a plenitude of styles. Through the units, the emergence and development be-pop, hard pop, cool jazz, free jazz, fusion, funk and techno music is adequately addressed.  

                        1960 – Modern Jazz, Free Jazz and John Coltrane

            Trends in American society that influenced the development of jazz in the 1960

In the 1960, many Americans and especially African Americans endorsed Jazz music as a form of entertainment. This is also the time that the African American community started agitating to get their position in society. Fighting for a better way to live through unity was the trend that influenced the development of Jazz music. In the 1960s, it was when the bebop and hard bop trends developed, which were trends Jazz adopted that developed to modern Jazz that we have today. Among the African Americans Jazz was a way to express raw emotions about their lives and feelings in the 1960s. In the 1960s, people took to the trend of communication through music.

    Describe performance elements of free jazz’

Free jazz was a development of the 1960s developed by people who did not appreciate the jazz styles by then. These artists developed a way to play the chords of jazz in one united harmony. This means that they developed harmony chords from the solos of cool, bop, bebop and hard bop improvised melodically. Inclusion of all these styles meant that there were no restrictions for the artists. It has the name free as an artist can flow in whichever direction pleases him in the course of a presentation. This allows musicians by then to capture different emotions in one presentation. This allows incorporation of imagination and color to mark the prowess of the musician.

            Describe the musical contributions of jazz giant John Coltrane

One of John Coltrane greatest contribution is the invention of free jazz. John Coltrane not only pioneered the use of modes in jazz, but also encouraged others to use them. His audience liked his music and maintained an interest because of his demeanor in his music. He developed jazz music in such a way that people would use jazz music to express how they feel. He struggled for a musical ideal, which he urged upcoming performers to adopt. He incorporated religious convictions in his work and this made have a wide following even after his death.

            Describe some important differences between Modern Jazz and previous jazz styles

One of the greatest differences between modern and previous jazz is the instruments used. The previous jazz music mostly used the piano to form beats for presentation while the current uses many instruments. The chief instrument in the current jazz trend is the saxophone. Previous jazz styles were a source of entertainment while modern jazz reflects on issues affecting society. While in the modern jazz style singers improvises most of his presentation, previous styles involved a predetermined presentation.

                        Unit VIII: 1970-Jazz/Rock Fusion and Hippies Learning objective

            Discuss trends in American society that influenced the development of jazz in the 1970s

During 1970, a gas gallon was at a cost of 36 cents while a latest car averagely costs $3,900.00 and waterbed fueled the sexual insurgency. Technological revolution led to the production of electronic instruments and rock rhythms hence steered it towards fusion, which was the predecessor to many of the styles of today. This decade proved to be of extreme high and low moments. Remarkably, utilizing of jazz music into substantial productions boosted its development. Key developments happened in the improvised instruments that were electrified and the stage sound amplified deeply, resulting to much creativity. The use of electric instruments entirely revolutionized jazz. The jazz/rock creations of the era brought about unique influential music when hard bop finally became boring to the world. The combination of forces led to more creative and improvised jazz.

                        Identify key musicians and new instruments added to jazz during the 1970s

Major musicians and the new instruments were introduced into jazz in the 1970s. The structuring of jazz with rock led to the naming of fusion. This mixture ultimately strikes a brick wall when the metrical base of the two forms became incompatible. Majority of the creative musicians found the genre enticing. Certainly, the electric bassist Jacob Pastrous, Herbie Hancock and the band stands out creating many masterpieces in the idiom with the rest. Some of the outstanding musicians that brought jazz into the lime light were “Weather report” group and Herbie Hancock, the pianist mixed rock, African kind textures and funk to achieve a more improvised rhythmic background. Jazz fusion brought in the likes of Miles Davies and the famous saxophonist Shorter Wayne. The new instruments brought in to jazz in the 1970s were saxophone, piano, drums, and guitar all electrified to peddle the creative work.

                        Explain what Miles Davis was exploring during this time

One of the key figures in jazz during 20th century, Miles Davies stood at the forefront of numerous musical developments and the surfacing of a plenitude of styles. Keeping ahead of the game, he spearheaded the appearance and development be-pop, hard pop, cool jazz, free jazz, fusion, funk and techno music. He consistently reinvented his musical style, the assorted band lineup to successful grounds and always constituted of extremely young brilliant players. In his remarkable lifetime, he received numerous rewards including eight Grammy Awards and a Rock and Roll Hall of celebrity induction. He was amongst the best, chiefly inventive, well-liked and dominant jazz fusion musicians of the 20th century.               

                        1980 to Present – A New Generation Takes Over  

            Discuss current trends in jazz performance

Jazz keeps on evolving making it a wide topic for learners in today’s curriculum. It is crucial to note that the market today include performance of the different types of jazz. Traditional mainstream and contemporary jazz are found in different entertainment sports today. This makes all these types of jazz a current trend in jazz performance. One such spot that plays this is Albany Justin 301 St. Park in New York. Bayville, Buffalo and Elmont are also such spots in New York. The jazz played here has no restrictions and has origin from the past while some artist present traditional jazz contemporary jazz is popular in these spots.

                        Unit IX: 1980 to Present-A New Generation Takes Over

                        What Does the Future Hold for Jazz?

The future of this magic music holds one thing, survival. What started as a minor expression of the captives of slave has developed to a much-redefined creativity that has long captured the essence of American democracy. The majority still believes that there is no America without jazz. Whoever is onto jazz now is the future because it will be nothing if nobody puts concern of doing it. The heart consciousness about creativity in jazz is that even if at one time it will go underground but still functional, its prominent nature will not vanish. This makes one quite optimistic about the future of jazz knowing that it already established its place as the 20th century music. Historically, it is remarkably the significant historic genre in the 20th century.


Jazz styles changed with time according to influence of artists like John Coltrane, Miles Davies and Jacob Pastrous, Herbie Hancock and band. Jazz styles moved from free jazz of the 1960 to jazz or rock fusion and hippies popular in the 1970. From the years of 1980 to present, the new generation of jazz took over. This paper outlines the revolution of jazz from the 1960 to present and the personalities that contributed to this change. The paper also outlines trends that influenced the development of jazz and how well to perform jazz music and how the performance changed with time. In the beginning, jazz instruments were not electronics, but with revolution of the music, artists started using electronics.


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