Conducting a Marketing Analysis for “Starbucks UK”
April 3, 2020
April 3, 2020

The Golden Age


The Golden Age

The Golden Age marks an important era of evolution the music industry. It is a time when music underwent changes that saw it being commercialized. Music became an important aspect of entertainment with various elements, for instance, dance and sexual appeal. Musicians were also beginning to gain national and international recognition from their theatre performance. The Golden Age period sound like the debut era for commercial music and diversification of music. It seems like the time when cultural music and prewar songs were transformed into theatrical performances. Music also grew to become sophisticated, comical and also addressed social issues. The Golden Age sounds like a time when various genres of music collaborated to produce amusing performances. It is a time when musicians and song writers interacted to see what will work best if they collaborated.

The music from the Golden Age was had similarities and differences. The inclusion of dance and comic effects in music was a common characteristic at this time. Since the artistes wanted to entertain their audiences, they made sure that they used funny dances and musical effects to amuse their audiences. Differences were observed in the composition of the music. Different songs addressed various social and political issues whereas other compositions were purely for entertainment.

As mentioned early, the Golden Age saw the collaboration between various genres, for instance the assimilation of rock and roll. Most of the music shows I enjoy are those that include artistes from different genres. The Golden Age music also depicts similar traits with my favorite musical performances in the composition and performance. Lady in the Darkis an examplethat incorporates both music and comedy to bring out amusing performances.