The first piece where it talks about cell phones needs to be taken out and only discuss microwaves

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August 28, 2020
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August 28, 2020

The first piece where it talks about cell phones needs to be taken out and only discuss microwaves

Writer’s choice
This is a final essay in which I would like edited. The first piece where it talks about cell phones needs to be taken out and only discuss microwaves. Here are the kinds of questions to answer in the first part of the essay where it talks about cell phones and microwaves:

Selection: Which device did you choose? Why? How does it impact your daily life?
B. Use: How is the device currently used? Who is the typical user?
C. Concepts: Which physical science concepts are utilized by the device? How do these concepts apply to the device?

Besides this, I just need help with the flow of the essay to make sure it sounds good. I dont need any more material just polishing the essay. The paper needs to be between 3-5 pages double spaced.